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Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

my lovely city -Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Malioboro City Walk

Jl. Malioboro - Jl. A. Yani
Malioboro tidak lepas dari kota Jogja, bahkan bisa dibilang sudah menjadi ikon kota Jogja. Setiap kali menyebutkan Malioboro, orang akan tahu bahwa Malioboro itu di Jogja. Malioboro yang terletak sekitar 1 km dari Kraton Jogja merupakan pusat perekonomian yang sangat ramai di kota Jogja. Di jalan ini berdiri pertokoan, rumah makan hotel dan perkantoran yang membuat kawasan ini tidak pernah lengang. Di ujung Selatan dari kawasan ini, tepatnya di Jl. Ahmad Yani, terdapat Pasar Beringharjo yang juga dikenal dengn sebutan 'Pasar Gede. Terdapat juga Benteng Vredeburg yang dulunya merupakan benteng pertahanan Belanda dari serangan pasukan Kraton. Diseberang benteng ini adalah Gedung Agung, yang dulu pernah digunakan sebagai Istana Negara pada masa pemerintahan Presiden Soekarno saat ibukota negara dipindahkan ke Jogjakarta.
Di kawasan Malioboro ini terkenal juga dengan para pedagang kaki lima. Anda bisa berbelanja aneka produk kerajinan lokal seperti batik, hiasan rotan, wayang kulit, bermacam tas, sandal, sepatu juga blangkon (topi khas Jawa) serta barang-barang perak, emas, hingga pedagang yang menjual pernak pernik lain. Saat berbelanja di kaki lima, anda bisa menawar harga barang yang akan anda beli, jika pandai menawar dan beruntung, anda bisa mendapatkan penurunan harga sepertiga atau bahkan setengah harga dari harga yang ditawarkan. 
Saat hari mulai menjelang sore, banyak lapak lesehan yang mulai dibuka. Disini anda bisa menikmati makanan khas Jogja seperti gudeg atau pecel selain itu juga  tersedia aneka masakan oriental ataupun seafood.


The fort stood closely related Vredeburg predictably birth Yogyakarta Sultanate. Giyanti Agreement February 13, 1755 which successfully completed the feud between Susuhunan Pakubuwono III to Prince Mangkubumi (Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I) is the result of Dutch politics that always wants to interfere in domestic affairs Kings of Java at that time. Dutch man who was instrumental in the birth of Giyanti Agreement is Nicolaas Harting, who served as Governor of the Director of the North Coast of Java (Gouveurneur en Directuer van Java’s noordkust) since March 1754. In essence the agreement is a manifestation of the attempt to divide the kingdom of Mataram into two parts, namely Kasuhunan Sultanate of Surakarta and Yogyakarta.Furthermore Yogyakarta Sultanate ruled by Prince Mangkubumi who then holds Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono Senopati Ing Alogo Gamal Abdul Rachman Sayidin Panata khalifatullah I. While Kasuhunan Surakarta governed by Pakubowono III.
The first step taken by Sri Sultan HB I was immediately ordered to build palace. With the decree was soon open forest of banyan trees where the place is already there Pacetokan hamlet. Sri Sultan HB I announced that the territory that became his territory was given the name Ngayogyakarta with a capital of Yogyakarta.
Apart from being a formidable War Commander of Sri Sultan HB I was also a great builder. Kraton Yogyakarta Sultanate first built on 9 October 1755 and on Thursday Pahing October 7, 1756 although not yet perfectly completed the Sultan and his family were pleased to occupy it.
After the Palace began to be occupied later beridiri also other supporting buildings, such as the Sultan’s residence buildings and their close relatives called Prabayeksa, completed 1756. Sitihinggil and Exhibition Building completed in 1757. The gate connecting the ascetic and Kemagangan Fund in 1761 and completed in 1762. The Great Mosque was founded in 1771. Large fortress surrounding the palace was completed in 1777. And finally Ward Kencana completed in 1792.
Seeing the progress is very rapid development of the palace which was established to Sri Sultan HB I create a feeling of concern in the Netherlands so diajukanlah proposal to build a fortress around the palace. The excuse used is for the Netherlands to maintain the security of the palace and its surroundings. But the real purpose is to facilitate the Netherlands to control developments at the court. This can be seen from the location of the fort is only one cannon firing distance of the palace and its location overlooking the main road to the palace is the main indication that the function can be used as a fortress fortress strategy, intimidation, assault and blockade. It could be argued that the Institution fort was intended to keep watch at any time if the sultan looked away against the Netherlands. The amount of power behind the political contract that was born into any agreement with the Dutch seemed to be a ‘force’ a hard fought by indigenous leaders in the Dutch colonial period, including Sri Sultan HB I, therefore, proposed the construction of the castle was granted.
Before the castle was built at its current location, in the year 1760, at the request of the Netherlands, Sri Sultan HB I have built a fort a very simple square. The four corners are made known as the place of custody, or bastions seleka a turtle-like shape with four legs. The four corners of the Sultan was named Jayawisesa (northwest corner), Jayapurusa (northeast corner), Jayaprakosaning (southwest corner) and Jayaprayitna (southeast corner).
According to Nicolas Harting, the fort was the situation is still very simple. Walls made of soil reinforced with the support poles from the wood of coconut and palm tr

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